That’ll Teach ‘Em

A supportive and comprehensive training experience that will guide you through what you need to know and do to transform challenging behaviours in your classroom.

Enrolments are currently closed

The next intake for That'll Teach 'Em will be April 2024. If you are interested, join the waitlist below to be the first to gain access.

If you just can't wait and are looking for training to help you to nail classroom management right away, you can join one of my on demand Masterclasses now. Head to the dropdown menu for more

I probably don’t need to sit here and tell you that managing behaviour is overwhelmingly difficult, complex, and sometimes downright triggering. It’s one of the toughest parts of the job, yet the part we are least trained for.
That’s where That’ll Teach ‘Em comes in. A highly supportive and comprehensive classroom management course designed to bridge that gap between what we are taught, and what we need to know and do, to transform the behaviour, learning, and culture in our classrooms.

Through That’ll Teach ‘Em, not only will you gain oodles of confidence and experience walking into your classroom, but it will help you navigate challenging behaviours in a way that will leave a legacy of calm, kindness and compassion with every single one of your students.
Say goodbye to...

✕ Feeling overwhelmeddisempowered, and defeated by challenging behaviours in your class

✕ Having no idea what to do next… you’ve tried it all and those behaviours aren’t budging

✕ Feeling that anxious gut feeling going into another tough lesson, already watching that clock wanting it to be over

Or maybe even…

✕ Knowing what to do, but needing some new strategies and a refresher of the what and why. A little boost of motivation after years of dealing with tiring classroom challenges.

And hello to...

✓ Feeling more calm, confident, and capable walking into even the toughest classroom

✓ Significantly reducing challenging low-level behaviour in lessons through strategically crafting your preparation, planning and teaching presence

✓ Addressing and resolving challenging behaviour that does pop up so you can focus on what you got into the profession to do - teach!

✓ Understanding behaviour so you don’t just know what strategies to use, but WHY you are using them (which means an independent you - no hand holding!)


The That'll Teach 'Em Curriculum

Module 1: What Is Driving Our Behaviour?

As human beings, we don’t behave for behaviour's sake. We are constantly trying to meet our needs in the best way we know how. Over 3 lessons, you will learn about the function and driving forces behind behaviour. This knowledge will empower you to authentically approach behaviour to make lasting change.

Module 2: The Brain Behind the Behaviour

Do you ever just look around in a bit of a chaotic lesson and think, “what is going on in those brains of yours?” Well this module will take you on a journey through just that. Over 3 lessons, you will discover what is happening on a neurological level with behaviour, giving you a solid understanding of the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ of your new classroom management approach.

Module 3: Transforming Classroom Management

Are you ready to transform the way you “do” classroom management? In this module you will explore discipline and consequences, contextualise and apply your knowledge from Modules 1 and 2, and be formally introduced to your new behaviour management roadmap!

Module 4: Calm Classroom Management

Now that you are filled with all of that necessary knowledge, you are ready to hop in the passenger seat and come on a drive with me. The 3 lessons in this module form 3 actionable roadmaps to explicitly teach you how to reduce and address behaviour calmly and effectively; the calm before the behaviour, during the behaviour, and after the behaviour. 

Module 5: Consistent and Clear Classroom Management

The best classroom management is preventative, and it happens before your students even walk through that door. As teachers, routines, structure, consistency and clarity are our bread and butter. This module will fill up your toolbox with the strategies and skills you need to get on top of those frustrating low-level behaviours before they even arise.

Module 6: Connected Classroom Management

If we want students to buy in and engage with anything that we do with them, we must first foster a sense of connection. From building strong relationships, to increasing engagement with learning, this module will provide you with a wealth of strategies to develop a positive and productive culture in your classroom for all students. 

Are you a good fit for this course?

That'll Teach 'Em is suitable for all levels of experience. Whether you’re a teacher in training wanting to get a huge head start, or if you're much more seasoned and looking to level-up your teaching with fresh knowledge and strategies.

So... while experience does not matter, what does is that...

  • You have a growth mindset and are ready and willing to learn new concepts, try new strategies and get reflective about your own teaching practice.
  • You are willing and ready to put a whole lot of heart into this journey with me. I can give you every single roadmap and tool you need, but it will be you who does the work and makes incredible change.
  • You believe in an approach to classroom management that WORKS by placing restoration, relationships, support, and respect in the very centre. 

"Claire has hands down created the best piece of CPD I have ever come across. Without being patronising, everything is broken down into easy steps and you are shown how you can take what you have learned and apply it to your practice. So often as teachers we are made to 'learn' things by just being given words to read and then implement. Here, Claire teaches me in the way I would like to teach my students, manageable chunks, clearly explained, with examples and modelled points. I have already recommended this course to our new Teach First teachers starting in September and will be using the Student Programme with my year 11 tutor group during form time. If you are unsure if this will benefit you as a teacher, I can absolutely say without any doubt that it will. 100% transformative."

Kathryn Faulkner


"This course provided a comprehensive, well thought out, evidence backed look into pupil behaviour; the understanding of neuroscience, driving factors of behaviour and attachment theory. Beyond that, this knowledge was then applied into how to support pupil behaviour in the classroom with strategies that restore the relationship. Not only was the content outstanding, but the resources (workbook / student programme / over to you activities) were incredible.

This taught me more about behaviour than my teacher training, in-school CPD and 10 years on the job. I can't wait to get back into the classroom." 

Leah Grantham


"Amazing content and invaluable information that helps us the best support ALL our students, from our most able, to our most challenging and everything in-between :D" 

Jess Fields

🎉If you’re ready to feel calm, confident, and capable walking into even the toughest of classrooms

🎉If you’re wanting to focus less on behaviour and more on what you got into the profession to do - teach!

🎉If you want to know how to effectively and calmly reduce, address and resolve low level (and all level) behaviours

🎉If you want to be empowered to know WHAT to do, and WHY to do it in the face of a chaotic class of 30

🎉If you are ready to be leaps and bounds ahead of the classroom management game…

Then I can’t wait for you to join me inside of That’ll Teach ‘Em.

I can’t wait to be a pivotal mentor in your career.

I can’t wait to see how much you develop.

I can’t wait to hear success stories from your weeks.

I can’t wait to celebrate YOU!


Hello from your mentor!

Why did I create 'That'll Teach 'Em?' 

Necessity and whole lot of heart! Teaching is such a 'sink or swim' profession, and it just shouldn't be that way. Teacher training falls incredibly short when it comes to equipping teachers with the skills and knowledge they need to feel empowered and confident in their practice, particularly with behaviour management. I know, because I have been there and done that right down in the deep end.

That'll Teach 'Em is designed as a bridge to help teachers get to the other side of that struggle. Just as every student needs a champion, so does every teacher, and I can’t wait to be the one in your corner, supporting you on your teaching journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

Between teaching and day-to-day life, I’m doing a LOT of things right now. Is now a good time to commit?

If you’re feeling swamped right now I am not surprised. Teaching is freaking tough, and already I know how hard it is to find balance between the job and your family, friends and just having important “you” time.

This is why I have kept it as simple and succinct as I possibly can. Each weekly live lesson is an hour long and I keep it to the absolute need to know and do (in other words, I cut the fluff). 

All of the strategies are broken down into step by step roadmaps, and the implementation tasks are something you can do as a part of your everyday practice. 

 So if you can commit to one hour a week, then perfect! If not, you don’t have to follow it live. You have an entire year to do the course. So even if you can find one hour a month, this course has come at a good time. ESPECIALLY because this is the only time I am running That’ll Teach ‘Em this year, AND it is currently at the lowest price point it’ll be!

I am not from the UK, is this course still available to me?

This is absolutely relevant to all teachers! Trust me, I have worked in both the southern and northern hemispheres, and challenging classroom behaviour is challenging classroom behaviour. 

 You can access the live lessons for the whole year, so there’s no need to be waking up at 2am to see them. 

 Paying in your home currency is also not a problem, just be sure to scroll to the bottom of my website and adjust your location if need be!

Is this for new or experienced teachers?

That'll Teach 'Em is suitable for all levels of experience. Whether you’re a teacher in training wanting to get a huge head start, or if you're much more seasoned and looking to level-up your teaching with fresh knowledge and strategies.

I have had teachers who are still in training, in their early career, and some who have been teaching 20+ years complete the course!

Is this for Primary or Secondary teachers?

BOTH! This course is extremely beneficial for all teachers. It gives you a crucial grounding in understanding human behaviour, and the conceptual approach means that the strategies are versatile and adaptable.

The only thing to note is that as I am a secondary trained teacher, the examples I provide will naturally also be secondary examples.

Also, for the very little littles (early years and early primary), the approach with them is very different. So although the behavioral content is relevant, the strategies won’t be.

How long does the course take to complete and will I get a certificate to recognise that I have completed this?

This will vary individual to individual, however it would be approximately 12 hours including live lessons. This does not include the time spent on implementation and reflection. You will get out what you put in! 

And YES you get a certificate of recognition at the end which shows the amount of professional learning hours you have completed through That’ll Teach ‘Em

If I need support is there anywhere to ask questions?

You will gain access to the VIP area 'The Staffroom' where you can ask questions and connect with fellow participants.


That'll Teach 'Em

Supporting you to nail classroom management, whilst leaving a legacy of kindness with all of your students

Please note:

Each school, individual and context is completely nuanced. As such, it is important you consult your school policies and leadership team where necessary. We take no responsibility for any decisions that are made in your practice. Just like any professional development, results are highly dependant upon the work you put into it. Therefore, we can not provide any assurance of the outcome for an individual teacher.